Lack of respect for life was the story. Same line as parachuting, race driving, bungee jumping, rock climbing
Going dtd or standing at a cart in a blizzard is not life threatening though
my wife's family rode motorcycles all their life.
her grandfather was an elder.
i was told by some dubbers that it was not christian to use a motorcycle.
Lack of respect for life was the story. Same line as parachuting, race driving, bungee jumping, rock climbing
Going dtd or standing at a cart in a blizzard is not life threatening though
it occurs to me the gb probably dont have much experience when it comes (!
) to marital sex guidance, so i think its only fair and reasonable we should put together a few hints to help them publish a suitable guide.. it is well known a lot of jw's get married in order to have sex, and all to frequently the marriages fail, possibly due to sexual problems, so the watchtower guide to sex should prove to be very worthwhile.. any jw courting couple intending to get married should be allowed to have a copy of the guide, and should only be available by a special order through the body of elders.. copies are not available to any single bros and sisters.. all and any advice in it must adhere to bible principles, and certainly no salty language or smut will be allowed.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
so--to get this started--and in no particular order--here is my first suggestion:.
There are rumors from days gone about sisters divorcing over husband going homo. I wonder if it was over " deviant" practices? I remember the lifting of the ban.
We did have a sunday talk about it all by a younger brother with a stunning wife. I always wondered if they did research
i was balding and grey so i asked my witness barber friend to "just shave it all off" many brothers were doing the comb over which looked friggin stupid.
but oh no in the 1990's this was rebellious he had to call a brother we knew at bethel to see if it was ok. we got his ok to go ahead but at the time i could help thinking about the no beard rule and how controlled and cultish we were..
Why pay a barber? How about fonzie haircuts?
Those comb overs do look good in the wind.
Dont forget the guys wuth actinic keratosis that dont get it treated
there's a wonderful channel called "the blue envelope" and the vlogger does exjw topics, oftentimes from a very interesting and unusual perspective.
a real treasure - he's a nerd's nerd!.
anyway this ones subject is the western new york connection with jws.
You might get a possessed donation, or possessed dust that didnt shake off
i am not talking about the usual crap from the cult writings, but rather things idiots believed on their own.
maybe even helped on by the cult but not directly taught.
i knew an old man now long gone kunde in michigan.
Old family ties. To this day I have an aversion to aluminum cookware. Poison
could this be because - *gasp* - because this whole transgender scene is a big turn off?.
I long ago gave up on Dr who. And BBC in general. The US gets them on public tv or cable.
There was a show Survivors, canceled and replaced by Dr. Who. Really pissed me and lots of others
People magazine just had a 2 page write up. Wife threw it out. Happily I am a speed reader. Nothing new in it, but people who should see it will not.
These same ones can recognize faults but can't see that the truth ( if ever there) is going away
it occurs to me the gb probably dont have much experience when it comes (!
) to marital sex guidance, so i think its only fair and reasonable we should put together a few hints to help them publish a suitable guide.. it is well known a lot of jw's get married in order to have sex, and all to frequently the marriages fail, possibly due to sexual problems, so the watchtower guide to sex should prove to be very worthwhile.. any jw courting couple intending to get married should be allowed to have a copy of the guide, and should only be available by a special order through the body of elders.. copies are not available to any single bros and sisters.. all and any advice in it must adhere to bible principles, and certainly no salty language or smut will be allowed.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
so--to get this started--and in no particular order--here is my first suggestion:.
You can do that other stuff but then have to give a detailed confession to 3 voyeurs
it was announced today that we will have a special weekend meeting next month.
it will be 3 hours long and will include some streamed content.. no explanation was given as to what the meeting will be about, only that it will be exciting and we will not want to miss it..
Our local needs are this week. I heard 2 elders mentioning it but no details leaked. It can be anything from a last minute talk from the GB, to ( rare anymore) actual local matter t HF at needs addressed. other countries dont always get the same thing at same time. Im USA
As for excitement that is long gone.
i had to look at the meetibg part.
quote": variety of musical styles and subjects " bs.
bland music, lousy lyrics, no timing, singular subject.
Just around the corner is the sample song track, complete with ukelele. QUOTE: " there is even an original song about balanced use of cell phones "